Let's make a chocolate connection

Monday, March 1, 2010

FAQs about Short and Sweet: A Networking and Speed Dating Event

1) Is it networking or is it speed dating?

Well, it is both! We have a networking portion and a speed dating portion.

2) How does speed dating work?

Well… The ladies sit at a table and the guys rotate around every 3 minutes. Everyone will have 20 dates in one hour.

3) How do you get your speed dating matches?

Everyone is assigned a letter or a number. After each date, each person will check of a confidential check list whether or not you would like to exchange contact information with one of your dates. The sheets will be collected and tabulated by the planning committee. In the next few days after the event, if you have a match then you will receive an email with the email contact information of the person you matched with at the event. Because of this setup, there is no pressure and people will have an enjoyable evening of mixing and mingling.

4) What is the age range?

The age range is from 23-35.

5) Where is the money going towards?

Part of the money goes to Doctors without Borders for the Haiti Earthquake Relief fund. The other part of the money will go towards activities for SNMA’s Annual Medical Education Conference (AMEC) which will be held here in Chicago from March 31- April 4.

6) I’m in a relationship. Can I still come to the event?

Absolutely! This event is a fundraiser. You can come and mix and mingle with fellow SNMAers, students from various professional schools throughout Chicago, and other professionals. You will also qualify for the giveaways and the raffle.

7) Is there any food there?

Yes! We have nice chocolate desserts… J

8) Are there any giveaways?

Yes! We have ‘date night’ giveaways for first dates OR for those who in relationships. The giveaways include a wine tasting event, movie tickets, and a coffee date. We will also have a raffle for a nice restaurant in Chicago…

9) Should I attend?

Of course you should attend! It is a mixer with a twist! You will have fun conversations and chocolate desserts with Chicago’s finest. Also, it is one of the few opportunities to meet other students and professionals in the Chicagoland area. We are hosting the national SNMA conference this year and we need to rally the troops to show our visitors how we do it in the Chi! AND this fundraiser is going towards both AMEC activities and Doctors without Borders for Haiti Earthquake Relief.